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What customers want to buy – and actually buy

16 toukokuu, 2023

As a way to always improve how we present the range of cars on kvd.se, we constantly keep track of both what buyers initially key into the search field - and what they actually buy in the end. Because yes, the two differ quite a bit.

Volvo wins the most hearts

Most people who come to kvd.se and start looking for their new, used car envision how they will soon be sitting in a Volvo. Specifically a max five year old XC60 or V60. But soon after comes Volvo's V90 and V60 Cross Country. It shows both the result of what is entered in the form of keywords on the site, but also how our visitors use the filter function to adapt the range of cars to their liking and taste.

In a normal month, we have roughly half a million visits to kvd.se, where a significant proportion of those who visit us to buy a car have their sights set on a Volvo. Something that is expected, but still a little surprised. - What surprises me the most is the unusually large popularity of Volvo models. We see that Volvo has four models that are at the top, when you look at the most popular brands, says Tomas Andersson, UX designer at Kvdbil.

Just after Volvo, BMW comes as number two most searched. Then Volkswagen as third and Mercedes as fourth. But what customers actually search for and then pick up at one of our facilities differs. Quite a lot, actually.

Mest sökta bilmärkenAntal filtreringar i 2023
1. Volvo 118 500
2. BMW84 000
3. Volkswagen 76 300
4. Mercedes65 500
5. Audi63 500

Figures from January - May 2023

Volkswagen tops most sold

Volvo and BMW are perhaps what the visitors wish to buy when we look at the search volume, but it is another brand that takes the throne as the most sold. Volkswagen takes first place as the most purchased car brand here at Kvdbil. In both 2021 and 2022, the best-selling car model was a Passat, and the brand's smaller car model, the Golf, came second. Next came Volvo's XC60 and V60.

Flest sålda bilmärkenAntal sålda 2022
1. Volkswagen4 284
2. Volvo3 798
3. BMW1 784
4. Mercedes 1 615
5. Audi1 454

Figures from January - December 2022

Read more about our best-selling cars in 2022 here

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