To take part in out online auctions, you need to read our terms and conditions of auction and membership. As a consumer, the Consumer Purchases Act applies when buying a car from us, which provides you with security in the form of right of withdrawal in the bidding and the right to claim compensation during a purchase.
Here are our terms for consumers in brief:
Has something gone wrong when you placed a bid, we will help you adjust this before the countdown begins. You need to contact us, at the latest, 6 hours before the countdown begins in order for us to be able to adjust your bid.
When the auction is closed, you as the winning bidder need to book a time and collecting the car within three working days.
When you buy a car through Kvdcars, you pay a mediation fee in addition to the agreed price for the car. The mediation fee for each car is indicated in the car’s presentation/advertisement on
A customer can pay for their car purchase with bank transfer or Swish. Kvdcars does not accept the following means of payment: debit card, credit card, bank card, cash payment, bank draft, cheque, company card or foreign bank card. Read more about payment, here.
In case of suspected dishonest bidding, the account holder may be warned or suspended from placing bids and purchasing cars on
Read our complete auction, membership and purchase terms and conditions of consumers here
When you participate in our online auctions as a company, special auction and membership conditions apply. This means that you as a company need to comply with different terms and conditions than the consumers who buy vehicles and machines through us.
Here are our terms for companies in brief:
Cars and light trucks undergo our independent and comprehensive Kvd test, while heavy vehicles, machinery and recreational vehicles undergo simpler visual documentation.
Vehicles and machines that are sold at the seller's location may be used until the sale is completed and collected by the buyer.
When you buy a vehicle or machine through Kvdcars, you pay, in addition to the agreed price for the vehicle, a mediation fee.
Payment of the agreed price and mediation fee must be received by Kvdcars within 24 hours after the end of bidding or agreement on sale at a fixed price.
If the payment is not completed, you will be charged the mediation fee and any overhead costs.
As a company, you need to make an appointment to collect the vehicle no later than 24 hours after the end of the auction or agreement to buy for a fixed price. If collection takes place without a pre-booked time, Kvdcars will charge the you an administration fee.
Kvdcars represents the seller and handles all communication with the buyer. The buyer does not have the right to contact the seller directly.
Some vehicles may be limited to being sold only to selected countries or VAT-registered companies.
If the vehicle or machine is not collected within three (3) working days (cars and light trucks) or five (10) working days (heavy vehicles, machinery, and recreational vehicles för export customers) from the day of purchase, a storage fee per vehicle or machine and day will be charged, unless other agreement between Kvdcars and the customer.
It is always the buyer who must check that the vehicle or machines corresponds to what he or she has the right to expect with, regards to the vehicle description. This applies regardless of vehicle or machine type. Always refer to pictures or any video for condition assessment. There may be other remarks in the condition and function description than what is written at
As a buyer, you are responsible for complying with all applicable international economic sanctions laws, regulations, trade embargoes or similar restrictions.
Read our complete terms and conditions of auction, membership and purchase for companies here
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