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Still high fuel prices cause everyone to drive less

19 kwietnia, 2023

Fuel prices have been high for a long time, which is felt in the wallets of Swedish motorists. So much so that almost every other person now states that they drive less. The largest decrease is seen in Dalarna, Värmland and Gävleborg counties.

The fact that it has become more expensive to refuel the car is bothering more and more Swedes. When we, through Sifo, asked more than 1,000 motorists in January how they were affected by the high fuel prices, 44 percent answered that they had reduced their use of the car. This is an increase of nearly 30 percent compared to when the same question was asked in March last year (34%).

- Fuel prices are actually lower today than when we last asked the question, but now motorists also have to take into account that pretty much all other costs have risen, and that of course makes it more difficult to get the calculation together. Many have been forced to change their previous driving habits, says Daniel Odsberg, sales manager Kvdbil.

Income and residence play a big role

Among those who earn up to SEK 25,000 a month, 56 percent have reduced car use compared to 37 percent for those with an income over SEK 35,000. In the metropolitan regions of Stockholm, Gothenburg and Malmö, 36 percent answer that they now take the car to a lesser extent, compared to 48 percent in other parts of the country. Driving has decreased most in Dalarna, Värmland and Gävleborg counties (53%), closely followed by Jönköping, Kronoberg, Kalmar and Gotland counties (51%).

- It is clear that the losers in this situation are people who live in rural areas. They are the ones who now have to find other ways to get to work, pick them up from preschool or get the children to practice. The only problem is that options are often missing, or not suitable for everyone. If we want a vibrant countryside where people can live and work all year round, it is time to do something about the high fuel prices, concludes Odsberg.

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