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Without a bonus, no electric car?

15 november, 2022

The support for electric car buyers has been adjusted several times since its introduction. And most of the time it has meant a reduction. In November, it was announced that the bonus would be canceled with immediate effect.

The previous decision to lower the bonus from SEK 70,000 to SEK 50,000 is now completely deleted and instead the bonus is removed entirely.

How does this affect car buyers, many ask. In September, i.e. before the Government's announcement, almost every second (47%) motorist stated that they would not buy an electric car if they did not receive a bonus. This is according to a Sifo survey carried out earlier this year.

These are mostly negative towards purchases

Most negative are, unsurprisingly, those who still drive a fossil-powered car. Among these, 52 percent would not be able to imagine an electric car, if it did not come with a bonus at the same time. Those who already own an electric car today are not nearly as negative (12%).

"I don't want to take a position on whether the electric car purchase should continue to be subsidized and, if so, what the bonus should be, but I can state that the bonus is still an important incentive for many to even consider an electric car. If we are not only to maintain the pace of the transition but also accelerate, it will be incredibly important that the phase-out takes place in balance with the market," says Daniel Odsberg in September, sales manager Kvdbil.

…and these are most affected

Among the 56-79-year-olds, almost six out of ten (59%) would not consider an electric car purchase without a bonus. Income also affects the willingness to buy. More than half (52%) of those who earn less than SEK 25,000 a month state that they will forego an electric car if they do not receive compensation in the form of a bonus. The corresponding figure among those who earn over SEK 35,000 is 41 percent.

About the survey
The survey was conducted in Kantar Sifo's web panel during the period 16-19 March 2022. A total of 1145 people aged 18-79 were interviewed. The web panel is nationally representative recruited based on random selection. There is no self-recruitment in Sifo's web panel.

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