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New financial support for electric light trucks – this is the government's proposal

28 november, 2023

The government plans to give the green light to a new state aid, a so-called climate premium, for environmentally friendly trucks, and it now also includes electric light trucks. We have reviewed the proposal and what it may mean for the used market.

The regulation on state support for environmentally friendly trucks is undergoing a makeover. The government has put forward a proposal for a new state aid for new environmentally friendly cargo vehicles. The proposal is now out for consultation with 30 different companies, authorities and organisations, including Volvo, the Swedish Transport Administration and the Nature Conservation Association, in order to get more views on the layout and implementation. The government has set aside funds in the budget proposal for 2024 and plans to let the proposal enter into force on January 15, 2024.

Impact on the used market

The new climate premium only applies to new electric trucks, not to used trucks. The proposal, on the other hand, means a greater incentive for companies, municipalities and regions to upgrade their vehicle fleet, which in turn means that a greater range reaches the used market.

Who can apply for the support?

The new proposal is aimed at companies, municipalities and regions that, by receiving government support, can invest in newly manufactured electric light trucks. To promote the transition to environmentally friendly vehicles, differentiated support levels are introduced based on company size. This means that smaller companies can expect a higher bonus.

How will the support be designed?

There are certain conditions you need to meet in order to take part in the bonus. Among other things, the vehicle must not have changed owners or been deregistered for a certain period of time from the date of purchase. This is to ensure that the support is used effectively, and to counter potential abuse.

But nothing is yet clear. The referral bodies have the opportunity to comment on the proposal until November 29. But before the end of the year, we expect the Riksdag to make a definitive decision on the matter.

All 30 referral bodies*:

1. AB Volvo

2. The construction companies

3. The Judicial Service

4. Drive Sweden

5. Energigas Sweden

6. The Administrative Court in Linköping

7. Chamber of Commerce

8. The Swedish Competition Authority

9. The enforcement agency

10. National Federation of Farmers, LRF

11. Mobility Sweden

12. The Nature Conservation Society

13. The Swedish Environmental Protection Agency

14. Power circle

15. The rental companies

16. Swedish Association for Construction Equipment, SACE

17. Scania CV AB

18. National Confederation of Small Businesses

19. The Norwegian Energy Authority

20. The Swedish Agricultural Agency

21. The Norwegian Road and Transport Research Institute, VTI

22. Sweden's Mining Industry, SBMI

23. Svemin AB

24. Sweden's Transport Company

25. Traffic analysis

26. The Swedish Transport Agency

27. The transport companies

28. The Swedish Transport Agency

29. The Agency for Innovation Systems, Vinnova

30. World Wide Fund for Nature, WWF

*Government authorities are obliged to respond to the referral. For the rest, the referral means an invitation to submit views. The public is also welcome to comment on the proposal.

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